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chiropractic singapore

6 Ways To Recover From Training Hard

6 Ways To Recover From Training Hard

If you want to exercise to be part of your routine, remember it is a marathon, not a sprint. Plan your gym schedule in a way that you’ll be able to sustain it in your day to day living, instead of treating it like a month or two challenges. Aside from that, you have to allow your body to recover as well because that’s when your gains happen.  

Top 10 Possible Causes Of Fitness Or Muscle Building Plateau

Top 10 Possible Causes Of Fitness Or Muscle Building Plateau

Contrary to popular beliefs, working out and dieting aren’t the only things that help you achieve the body that you want, especially if you’re trying to build muscles. Having said that, those aren’t the only factors that slow down your progress either. It’s not just because you’re training too little or eating the wrong foods, sometimes there are daily activities that affects your progress too.

Chiropractic Care And Exercises Is More Efficient Treatment Than Medication For Neck Pain

Chiropractic Care And Exercises Is More Efficient Treatment Than Medication For Neck.jpg

The last thing you probably wanna do when you’re hurt somewhere is moving it even more. No wonder this is one of the reasons behind employees missed work since this kind of pain can be really debilitating. Aside from that this is the reason why most people suffering from neck pain prefer to just take pain medication too because it takes away the pain without having to do anything.


However, what you may not realize is that all pain medications do is numbs the pain for a while and nothing more. It doesn’t treat the cause of your pain nor keep the discomfort permanently. Aside from the fact that long-term use of medications can pose different kinds of side effects that can be dangerous for your health.


If you want to address your neck pain properly, you have a better chance at getting better if you seek chiropractic care and do targeted exercises for your neck pain. Would you still reach for the bottle of pills if you know what a chiropractor and some exercises can do for you?



Loosen Up The Joints Of The Cervical Vertebrae In The Neck

Sometimes, you are experiencing neck pain because the joints in your neck are stiff. This often happens due to tissue damage or scarring from trauma like whiplash or repetitive stress such as having poor posture. Both of these causes pain in your neck, but with the help of chiropractic adjustments your neck’s natural movement can be restored which can relieve the pain.


Reduce Pain Caused By Pinched Nerves And Muscle Spasms

When a nerve or set of nerves in the body are stretched, constricted, or compressed you can experience symptoms like ‘pins and needles’ feeling or burning sensation around the area. Though rest does the trick sometimes, chiropractic care provides a more in-depth solution for the pain that keeps coming back. For pinched nerves and muscle spasms, chiropractors may use variety of treatment like manual manipulation, physiotherapy, and flexion distraction to reduce inflammation and take pressure off the spine.


Can Correct Misalignment

When you have neck subluxation, it becomes difficult to move your neck, your neck doesn’t receive an adequate amount of blood supply, and don’t transmit appropriate nerve information. No wonder you are in pain! Whether it’s due to a recent trauma, poor posture, or health condition like arthritis, spinal adjustments can help correct misalignments in order to eliminate pain.


Five Specific Exercises To Target Chronic Neck Pain

Aside from chiropractic care, doing exercises can also help treat your neck pain because it often leads to improved posture, range of motion and functionality of your body. Here is the five specific strength exercises target the neck and shoulder muscles involved in causing chronic neck pain.


Dumbbell Shrug

·         Pick a dumbbell anywhere between 6-12 Lbs. depending on your current muscle strength.

·         Begin with standing upright with the hand weights at the side of your body.

·         Lift your shoulders up towards your ears using one even motion then lower them again slowly

·         Relax your jaw and neck while doing it

·         Do 2 sets with 8-12 repetition


One-Arm Row

·         Pick a dumbbell anywhere between 6-12 Lbs. depending on your current muscle strength.

·         Stand with one knee on the bench and lean on the same-side hand on the front of the bench

·         With the free arm you pull the weight up towards your lower chest.

·         When the weight touches your chest, lower it in a controlled motion.

·         Do 2 sets with 8-12 repetition


Upright Row

·         Pick a dumbbell anywhere between 6-12 Lbs. depending on your current muscle strength.

·         Stand upright with your arms stretched and the hand weights in front of your body.

·         Lift the weights in a straight line as close to your body as possible until they reach the middle of your chest and your elbows point up and out.

·         During the whole exercise, the hand weights should be placed lower than the elbows.

·         Do 2 sets with 8-12 repetition


Reverse Fly

·         Pick a dumbbell anywhere between 6-12 Lbs. depending on your current muscle strength.

·         Lie down on a bench in a 45° forward bent angle with the hand weights hanging towards the floor.

·         Lift the weights outward and upward until they are horizontal, and then lower the weights in one controlled motion.

·         During the exercise, the elbows should be slightly bent.

·         Do 2 sets with 8-12 repetition


Lateral Raise / Shoulder Abduction

·         Stand upright with the hand weights at the side of your body.

·         Lift the weights outward and upward until they are horizontal, and then lower the weights in one controlled motion.

·         During the exercise, the elbows should be slightly bent

·         Do 2 sets with 8-12 repetition

Instead of heavily relying on pain medications, which we all know long-term use has negative effects, try doing these exercises. You’ll be surprised at how much it can make a difference with your neck pain. But before anything else, you have to consult a chiropractor to make sure you’re  not doing exercises that may make your condition worse.

Simple Maths to see if Chiropractic is Worth its Weight in Gold

Simple Maths to see if Chiropractic is Worth its Weight in Gold

How much does chiropractic cost? Does it work? I heard it's expensive.

People want to know if they should invest in their health. Is it worth spending money on chiropractic?  You may have heard chiropractic is "not cheap". I wouldn't call it expensive. And I know that bargain hunting for great healthcare rarely ends well. So check out these three simple math equations to see if chiropractic is really value for money! 

Stress: The Brain-Body Connection

Stress: The Brain-Body Connection

We know the human body adapts to survive on a daily basis. We see this when we encounter a virus and the body adapts to shut it down. It also occurs when we have a fever and the body adapts to take care of it, thus returning the system to homeostasis. When the body is unable to adapt to both the internal and environmental conditions that affect it, it becomes easy for illness to develop and thrive. This is one reason chiropractors take a keen interest in supporting the neurological and physiological systems within the body – so that there are minimal impediments to adaptation, thus allowing the body to thrive and heal.

Is your body a Formula 1 car or a Second-hand sedan?

Is your body a Formula 1 car or a Second-hand sedan?

Do you consider yourself a performance vehicle? Or a second hand sedan? 

Imagine a typical day: Not enough sleep, hectic schedules, poor posture, work stress, difficult clients, office politics, deadlines, overtime, poor food choices, not enough water, chores, looking after kids, cooking, cleaning, ironing, exercise.... which version of you would handle that better? The well-tuned F1 race car, or a second hand sedan?  

Losing weight doesn't cure back pain or knee pain.

Losing weight doesn't cure back pain or knee pain.

Many people want to achieve weight loss, and for many reasons. Some want to be slimmer, whiles others want their image to be comparable to their friend or a celebrity. Some want to drop the weight because of health reasons, like heart disease or diabetes. Others choose to shed the pounds because they think it will solve their back pains, hip problems or knee injury. But does it really solve your aches and pains?