People-Driven Corporate Wellness


People-Driven Corporate Wellness

When we're WELL, we can be great at home and great at work!

When we're WELL, we can be great at home and great at work!

Wellness Profiling

Investing in your employees health is an investment in your company’s bottom line

Wellness Profiling provides detailed evaluation of the wellness of the people in your organisation. We aren't just talking about a bunch of blood tests, blood pressure and sugar level. That's Sickness Profiling and treating symptoms. We're talking about real health and wellness. In total, Nine (9) aspects of being a "Well-being" which includes physical health and psychological well-being, satisfaction with lifestyle and attitudes and behaviours relating to personal wellness. Within these nine dimensions of Wellness, there are 44 sub-scales. 

Finding strengths, and creating more, as well as finding low scores and building them up is what will make us healthier, mentally, physically, socially and better at life. If we succeed in life, we're going to succeed at work. 

Workplace Problems

Why wellness initiatives are necessary

Workplace Problems

Why wellness initiatives are necessary


We spend 1/3 of our lives in bed - so we should buy a great mattress and pillow. We spend most of our life at work, with our colleagues and superiors. So we should make sure that life in the workplace is great. But the stats don't look great at all... What went wrong?

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Back Pain, Neck aches, SHOULDER ACHES, headaches

Workplace Safety and Health (WSH) Council of Singapore reports that ergonomic health issues cost Singapore
S$3.5 Billion a year.

Back Pain is expensive

A study in Australia found that back pain costs A$8.15 billion in lost earnings and productivity. 

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Absenteeism in Australia

Australian Industry Group estimates that each absent employee costs $578 per day in lost productivity.


Mental health is Massively Forgotten

A study in the US found that the total economic burden of major depression is now estimated to be $210.5 billion per year.


Absent from work

Absenteeism accounts for 13% of the mental health burden in the United States.
13% is US$78 billion per year.


At work but not working

Presenteeism in the US is even more costly. People at their desk yet unproductive, costs companies US$78 billion per year. 

Corporate Wellness Initiatives

Improve Wellness, Improve Bottom Line

Corporate Wellness Initiatives

Improve Wellness, Improve Bottom Line


Health Workshops & Talks

With over $3.5Billion spent annually on work-related musculoskeletal injuries, aches and pains, it is so important to invest in the biggest asset a company has - it’s human capital. Treatment and claims for headaches, back pain and other conditions, along with absenteeism, presenteeism, reduced productivity and employee dissatisfaction is a hefty price to pay.

Corporate Wellness initiatives including health talks and workshops are ideal at creating simple changes in our daily habits, that create massive benefits. It's easy to create health and happiness daily, even in our busy, and often stressful lives. The workshops are broken down into sections delivering hands-on practical activity, group work and worksheets which allow us to regain control of our life, health, energy levels and mood.

Keep Fit When You Sit program with P&G

Keep Fit When You Sit program with P&G

Workshops & Talks

To empower individuals to improve their health, happiness and quality of life by doing simple, easy-to-accomplish tasks. We do this by offering knowledge about various healthy lifestyle choices at home, at work and at play. From 'Sit Straight' office ergonomics, 'Powerful Posture', to recovering from sports injuries ('Pain & Performance'), 'Health in High Heels', and how to 'Keep Fit When You Sit'. We share what can/needs to be improved, why it is a problem, and doable how-steps, so they can achieve better outcomes.  


Ergonomics Assessment

The goal of a well-designed office and workstations for employees is to improve health (reduced illness and injury), happiness (job satisfaction) and productivity. However, even with fancy chairs or height adjustable sit-stand desks, humans are a creature of habit. We sit on expensive multi-adjustable seats the same way we would if we sat on a sofa or a stool.

This is why posture and ergonomic assessments and workshops are essential. We can gather information that pinpoints habits that cause strain on the human system, causing problems like headaches, neck and shoulder aches, back pain or numbness in the arms and hands.

An ergonomic workstation assessment involves a detailed assessment of an individual’s work environment including their computer, keyboard and mouse, desk and chair. The outcome: Find and Solve risk factors that may lead to future health problems, or be causing current health problems - a common cause of reduced productivity, employee dissatisfaction and time off work.

Find out how at Risk Your employees are, and what you can do about it!

Find out how at Risk Your employees are, and what you can do about it!

Does your company need an assessment?

The discomfort survey will identify people who are at risk as well as those who are currently suffering from work-related musculoskeletal disorders require. You will know if ergonomics and posture is relevant and beneficial for your colleagues. From there, they can get access to help and advice with regards to their daily habits, posture, ergonomics as well as active care (DIY care to improve their health, happiness and productivity), and passive care (seeking expert advice, treatment to solve the underlying problem and the like).  

For individuals, check out our online ergonomics assessment here!
For companies, associations and corporations kindly complete the form to download the Discomfort Survey to distribute to your staff. 

Making Wellness Successful

Making Wellness Successful


Successful teams

If you could improve all aspects of health (Stress, physical health, mental wellbeing, satisfaction with lifestyle, attitudes towards health, managing health & work issues, wellness behaviours, pace of life and coping with pressure) then you will be powerful beyond all measure. 

Brand Ambassadors (like the Top Sales guy, or the best customer service award winner) are people in the company who succeed above and beyond others. Many companies on have 10% in that top tier, with twice that amount at the other end of the scale - the discontented, unhappy and unengaged group. So how can we move these people up to average or highly engaged and motivated employees?

How can we help people to perform better in their life, so that they bring their best self to work?
— Dr Gary Tho
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Step 1: Help people be the best that they can be - in the areas they need and want it.

Don't impose your wellness plan. It might look good on paper and tick all the right boxes but thats about it. Do your people have energy all day long, pride & confidence, great relationships able to handle life’s Ups and Downs,  perform well under pressure and find it easier to relax and ‘switch off’? Do they feel in control?
Can they create more “me” time and have behaviours that reduce health risks,  improve their sex drive and help them age better? 

These are things people want and care about - but we'll only know if we ASK them.

Step 2: AdDress the ABC's

Attitudes, beliefs and behaviours will make a person. Success, growth and happiness come from positive attitudes and supportive behaviours. At the same time, there are thousands of attitudes and behaviours for all aspects of health. If you can identify four areas that require growth, as well as four areas that are flourishing, you can then focus on helping them transform. From there, it's so much easier to run programs, events, workshops and other team activities that make it convenient for peopel to grow, obtain greater understanding and learn new skills. 



step 3: Analyse

Analysis can come from assessing individual progress, progress as a team (which then leads to changes in culture) and progress as an entire organisation. You'll know which people thrive in which teams, which person to employ, promote and find that retention of talent is easy. 

Want to Know more?

Get your company and individual Wellness Index today!

Want to Know more?

Get your company and individual Wellness Index today!

Register your Interest

If you'd like to learn more about our Wellness Profiling and Index reports or register your interest, kindly complete the form and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.