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5 concentration killers that successful people never succumb to (and how to fix them!)

5 concentration killers that successful people never succumb to (and how to fix them!)

It's BONUS time! For many march is Appraisal Month - so it's time to put on your productivity hat and make sure you go above and beyond to get the best appraisal (and most money!) But are the distractions too hard to resit? Although millennials are supposedly more reliant and tech savvy, everyone who uses a variety of apps on smartphones may be affected. 

People who live a happy life and successful career take a different approach. They don't let their concentration be killed by a Facebook alert or an incoming email. Here's the TOP 5 distractions we should never succumb to, to show off our best self (and before we get replaced by automated scripts or a newer, younger, cheaper recruit!)