Reasons Why Exercising Ergonomics At Work Is Importan.jpg

People say that stress is all in the mindset, but you should know that the nature of a person’s job and body condition play a big role in it too Different jobs comes with different responsibilities that puts a strain on the body one way or another. Receiving adjustments from a chiropractor here in Singapore can make a significant difference in their stress level by relieving pain or discomfort caused by misalignment, which helps with sleeping better, and even prevent job related injuries from happening by maintaining and conditioning their body. Aside from that, when your employees body is in tip-top condition, their performance at work improves as well and they’re less likely to feel sick and tired of going to work every day.

But even though chiropractic care is a highly effective injury prevention method as well as treatment plan, there are other ways to protect the body from injuries that companies can help with. This may sound simple and common sense but you’d be surprised to know that establishing or improving upon your company’s workplace ergonomics process are what people didn’t do and resulted in injuries. Whether it’s a blue or white collar job there are ways to deeply integrate ergonomics into all of your operations. Now if you’re wondering if this is really worth the investment, here are the reasons that will definitely convince you.  

Because It Keeps The Costs Down

Back pain is one of the most common complains of working individuals all around the world. In fact, experts estimate that 80% of the population are likely to suffer back problems at some point. No, this isn’t an exaggeration. At the rate people are going with the efforts they put into health and fitness, combined with their poor work ergonomics, this statistic isn’t impossible at all. If you don’t think that not something to be alarmed about, well, back pain actually costs Americans at least $50 billion each year. That’s because of missed work, injury, compensation for work related injuries, lost income, the bills for prescriptions, treatments and insurance that quickly add up.  

That number is likely to go up the more you let your employees be in pain and refuse to even practice work ergonomics for whatever reason in the first place. Why not do your part to prevent this at the very least? You’re not saving money by just acting like this won’t happen to your workers and then just make do with the effects later on.

Because It Improves Your Productivity

Employees brave the storm, cough, cold, or fever, but when it comes to back pain they fold. This type of pain is something that will affect not just your back but as well as your energy and overall condition.

But something as simple as providing a height adjustable office desks and being allowed to move more by alternating sitting and standing not only lessens chances of back pain but also improves a worker’s mood. We all know that once a person starts feeling stressed out or starts getting into a bad mood, a tasks starts feeling more difficult or they get mental blocked that they can’t figure out how to do something at all. But the simple act of getting up from the desk and moving your body refreshes the brain more than staring at the computer for hours. So for a company, a happy worker is a more productive worker and if a height adjustable desk can help with that, companies should consider giving it a go.

Because It Promotes Quality Output

We’ve already established that people may suffer from some sort of pain whether people do manual labor or desk jobs. The problem is that when you’re in pain, it takes over your body and mind. Instead of thinking about work, all you could ever think about is the discomfort you’re in which can lead to going home early or even calling in sick. Now, while absenteeism is to be expected in this case, you also have to deal with presenteeism (you’re at work but can’t do the job well and finish it in time because you don’t feel well).

That’s just as bad as an employee missing work, actually, it may even be worse. Why? That’s because you’re basically still paying that worker’s day despite the subpar work he’s doing and even possible damages later from the mistakes he may do since he’s not performing his best.

Because It Improves Employee Engagement

Employees who experiences pain at work on a regular basis is not good for businesses since employees’ health affects performance which affects business’s revenue in the long run. But that’s just one side of the problem, because as you keep letting this go on, soon enough, it will create more problems like people quitting, poor morale and employees that won’t even bother trying to actually work or contribute anything. 

But if you pay more attention to the people who work for you and put in more effort to ensure their health and safety, the company enjoys increased productivity, reduced sick days, lower health insurance costs, as well as employees who are actually eager to work and perform well.

Because It Creates Better Safety Culture

Ergonomics shows your company’s commitment to safety and health as a core value. The cumulative effect of the previous four benefits of ergonomics is a stronger safety culture for your company. Healthy employees are your most valuable asset; creating and fostering the safety & health culture at your company will lead to better human performance for your organization.